The Full Story
I am a lightworker, wayshower, intuitive, adventurer, & supporter of vibrational shifts.
My story is simple & full of synchronicities. My learning about the spiritual path began as a child with my father's own personal journey. He filled our library at home with books on topics of angels, spiritual connection, & self-empowerment.
I absorbed so much information from reading all his books while growing up. He took me on retreats & spiritual conferences since I was a teen and into my 20's.
It was always at my forefront to learn & connect with a community of spiritually enlightened beings. Always feeling I am on a mission to fulfill my soul's purpose for this lifetime. Remember who I AM.
I AM here to be a Light Activator, a Teacher, an Intuitive.
Now is the time to be ME.
Combining compassion, healing, communication, and creativity, I step into a life that is spiritually lead. I live at a time when I witness all these incredible changes & I help people process and understand the changes.
Compassion. Integrity. Discernment.
Hold Sacred Space to support others through their life experiences. Teaching tools and ways for individuals to self-heal, facilitate energetic shifts, provide a calm peaceful energy, and a bubble of time to disconnect from the world.
I am great at communication, family structure, business themes, & life transitions.
I set the intention to live with gratitude, joy, love, and trusting my heartspace and higher self.
I release the past, forgive those memories. Focusing on the present & providing a multidimensional experience for others. Always working with white light and golden energy of love.
Effective always, as I continue to help others, I am open to receive an energy exchange. ​
Recap of Events
2024 SoundTouch
2023 PandoraStar Certification
2022 Sound Masterclass by Yogishelly
2021 Mediumship Training by Belle Salisbury
Tachyon Attunement
Ultraviolet Attunement
Rainbow Body Attunement
Divine Protection Attunement
2020 Pendulum Coursework with Baj Pendulos
2019 Sacred Bodywork Facial Thai Massage
2018 Spiritual Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing Intensive Certification Training
2017 Eastern Vibration Vibrational Sound Therapy Certification
2016 Path of Light Reiki - Reiki Level 1
2016 Lumalight Therapy Levels 1 & 2
2008 Theta Levels 1 & 2 with April Colon
2007 Sonia Choquette Six Sensory Angel Workshop in Chicago
2007 I Can Do It! Conference in Toronto, Canada
I am full of stories depicting synchronicities and magical things happening. I remind myself of my own tools when I get into a funk. We are surrounded by crazy world energy, the schumann resonance, the moon cycles...I use the same modalities on myself as I do on my client. Recharge and restore, balance my energy.
I charge crystals and objects with frequency, transmit frequencies into the studio, and maintain practices to be able to do the work that I intend to do.